*#😋😋Why Stevie is sweeter and a better option than refined sugar#*
1. *Stevia is very, very potent*
The raw leaves of the stevia plant are approximately 40 times sweeter than sugar, and the powdered sweetener derived from them is up to 200-300 times sweeter. What this means, is that just a tiny bit of stevia will suffice for most of your sugar free recipes.
*The sweet leaf’s shelf life is about 5 years, so it most certainly is a worthwhile investment.*
2. *Stevia has no calories*
*Refined sugar makes you fat, there’s no denying it.* Sucrose contains a lot of calories and there are so many sugary products nowadays that it’s become almost a full-time chore to avoid them.
3. *Stevia helps to suppress cravings.*
As we all know, sugar is addictive. Artificial sweeteners such as aspartame or sucralose may not have any calories or glycemic index, but they still promote cravings for sugary sweets. On top of that, an increasing amount of people over the years has reported negative side effects when using artificial sweeteners ranging from headaches and dizziness to rashes and stomach pains. Stevia on the other hand, has been reported to suppress cravings.
4. *Stevia is Good for Your Teeth*
When you consume sugar, an adhesive layer of bacteria is formed on your teeth, causing dental plaque and cavities in the long run.
5. *Stevia is Great For Diabetics.*
The reason why sugar is so bad for diabetics, is that it contains large amounts of carbohydrates. *_food types with a glycemic index value of less than 50 are considered relatively safe for diabetics; the lower the number, the better._*
To give you an idea: apples have a GI of 39. French fries have a GI of 95. Tabletop sugar has a GI of 80. Stevia has a GI of 0 (yes, zero). This makes the sweet leaf ideal for keeping your diabetes symptoms at bay without having to compromise any sweetness in your food.
6. Stevia Regulates Hypertension.
7. *Stevia Helps With Candidiasis.*
Candida albicans is a natural type of yeast that’s present in every human’s intestines. But in some people, this yeast population can grow excessively large and that’s when an infection called “candidiasis” occurs, causing symptoms like diarrhea, nausea and vomiting.
*The main culprit with candidiasis is the fermentation of sugar in the intestine, and therefore many candida diets are based on eliminating sucrose from a person’s eating patterns.*
*_Raw stevia cannot be fermented by candida albicans and does not promote candidiasis, so it should be perfectly safe to substitute sugar with stevia for people with this condition._*
*#Stevia powder✔️✔️ sugar❌❌#*
*#boost immunity#*
*#deal with stomach fat.*#
*#weight Loss.#*
*#suppress cravings.#*
*#acid reflux.#*
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